Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Taking a walk down memory lane,
can bring  a smile or a tear or two.
A tugging at the heartstrings,
for people and places you once knew.
When we forget to embrace the now,
and let the past pull us in,
nothing can stop the longing
to relive and recapture what once had been.
I close my eyes and can hear clear as day,
the babbling of the brook in the warm summer night.
I smell the sweet lilacs, the freshly mowed lawn,
I fight the longing to go back with all my might.
I walk through the house that I loved so dearly,
I remember each room and where everything was placed,
the colors, the flaws, the soul of the home,
can never be lost, forgotten or erased.
I still see  dear grandma, Bible in hand and ,
if I listen real close, daddy's voice sings softly in my head.
Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of an Englishman,
brought me giggles and joy, not a hint of any dread.
Mom sat on my bed and rocked me to sleep.
Sister teased and cajoled as children will do.
Our sweet old cat who had kittens on the shelf in the cellar,
The smell of mom's soup and grandmas beef stew
That old house wrapped us up in its warmth and its love,
she welcomed all who came through her doors.
I wonder if today she would remember my voice.
if she'd recognize my footsteps upon her floors.
Do the places we loved carry a memory too,
or they reseverd for humans alone?
All I know is I  remember and  something inside,
cries in the night......I want to go home.

Friday, September 9, 2011

My Prayer

I made a wish upon star.

For you to find God right were you are.

I prayed for its light to shine on you,

so you would know what you had to do.

I knelt in the darkness and clasped my hands,

... sending love and peace to every land.

I cannot take the hurt away,

you must find the path that lights the day.

You need not suffer any more,

you have but to knock upon God's door.

All that's needed to receive,

is to ask, and truly believe.

Seek within the recesses of your mind,

and as promised, you will find.

There is no separation between God and you

it's all our perception, our personal view.

He is no further away then your most intimate part,

as close as your thoughts, nearer then the beating of your heart.

I faltered when I saw you tears,

I succombed to the draw of hurts and fears.

My love for you must find a way,

to comfort and guide but not go astray.

I lovingly place you in the hand of God,

for he is thy staff and thy rod.

I am his hand to wipe away tears,

to help buffer the hurt and ease the fears.

The peace you seek must come from within,

I can only guide you on how to begin....................See More

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dark clouds rolling in,
thunder rolls, lightning flashes
Natures lemondade
Sun shines on blue pond
butterfly lands on my face
God speaks many ways

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Matches

In the course of mundane tasks
I found a book of matches today.
Not an earthshaking event,
or that unusual, you say.
In the scheme of all that is,
an insignificant event,
and yet to me, in my own special space,
it represents a love I knew, a place we went.
For just a moment or two,
I was young and pretty.
Enjoying life and all its pleasures,
exploring sites and sounds in a brand new city.
My life was before me,
the plot not yet written.
All there was was me,
and the man with whom I was smitten.
I smelled the smells,
and heard the sounds.
Vividly remember how it felt,
to know a love that had no bounds.
I tried to throw that book of matches away,
but their pull was to strong.
Back in the drawer they went.
Least I forget youths, sweet sweet song.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I made a new friend today,
and I cant wait to see
all the fun we'll have together,
the places we'll go and the things we'll see.
We bonded right away,
our eyes met and we knew,
we have much in common,
we look at the world with the same view.
Her face is may be wrinkled,
but in her dark brown eyes,
I recognize the glint of humor,
a soul peaceful, joyous and wise.
I know she has much to share,
I can learn many things.
Be still and listen,
is the lesson she brings.
She smiled at me,
and my heart skipped a beat,
I felt the laughter well up in my chest,
I felt joy from my head to my feet.
I am so thankful to the powers that be
for bringing her into my life.
I know I can depend on her,
in times of incredible joy or unbearable strife.
She'll never leave me
or forget to call.
She'll always be there,
weather I'm victorious or if I fall.
For the new friend I met,
is the spark within me.
The piece of our creator,
we all have, but few will ever see.
I honor her and give her the power,
to take charge of my life.
The ego bows down,
under the spirit surgeons knife.
I rise as the phoenix from the physical ashes,
renewed and excited to experience the way.
It's all new, it holds such promise, it has nothing to do with numbers.
It's special, its mine, its my BIRTH day!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I didn't swear at the telemarketer today,
or watch violence in a movie or on tv.
I didn't complain bout the aches and pains,
the world is a better place, because of me.
I didn't send those vengeful thoughts
to the moms whose baby's death is in question.
I acknowledge it's not for me to judge,
the jury is in, end of session.
The truth is known by "the one who matters".
Man's law has gone through due process,
We must let go and understand,
it is what it is, no more and no less.
I slammed the door in self pity's face,
and smiled at the grumpy teller.
I took advantage of ever chance
to honor my inner angel and ignore the heller.
I sent out some prayers for those in charge,
affirming they rule with wisdom and love,
ignoring the pull of the selfish ego,
getting inspiration on the wings of a dove.
I listened to the opinions of another.
I heard his words, understood what he said.
I may not agree one hundred percent,
but my mind was nourished and my soul was fed.
I understand the world if filled with many different trees,
from the fragrant cedar to the mighty oak.
Each has it's own merit, it own single voice,
yet under it all it is God who has spoke.
My heart is light,
and my soul is free.
Choices I had and choices I made,
today the worlds a better place, because of me.